Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 10, 2009

The Good Life

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 7:28 am

It’s an absolutely gorgeous day.   Until a little while ago, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the temps are hovering in the low 60’s, and after a quick trip to the Friday Market, and the supermarket, I’m sitting outside with Marcel’s laptop and a cup of coffee enjoying this gorgeous day.

This morning on my way out, I saw my first baby duckling for the year- a sure sign that spring has ‘sprung’.  Sometime this weekend, I’ll try to go walking by the canals to see if I can spot and possibly even photograph a few.

The cherry trees are starting to blossom, and as I sit here tapping away, I see a man walking with his very energtic dog, two elderly ladies pushing walker carts, walking side-by-side.   I can’t help but wonder what stories they are sharing with each other, and how long they have been friends.   I see them often, and I can’t help but smile.

Many people are out riding their bicycles and walking.   It’s obvious that I’m not the only one enjoying this perfect weather; even the birds seem to be singing a little louder today, as if to say “WELCOME SPRING”.

Marcel worked last night, so he’s taking a little nap.   We have plans to meet Desere and Hein at Aloha a little later on, so he figured it would be better to grab a nap now, since he wouldn’t have the opportunity later.   Heaven forbid he doesn’t get one, then we’ll have a grumpy pants Marcel on our hands.

I hope this season is filled with many more days like this, as I have a feeling that you’ll be seeing alot more messages from me from this location, along with many other locations.  

Once I get the photo thing sorted with my phone (and I will get it figured out), then I can take snapshots with my phone, and post them from the blogging application for my phone.   That could get really fun.

The Good Life-  that’s what this is.. and I’m grateful for each and every moment of it.

My Gratitude List for April 10, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The sounds of spring, as I sit outside and enjoy them each and every one.
  • The Good Life
  • Seeing the first baby ducklings of the season.
  • Having everything planned and ready to go for Sunday’s Easter Brunch.
  • The beautiful bouquet of flowers my mom-in-law brought me earlier today.

What are you grateful for today?

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