Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 1, 2010

Gratitude January 1

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:51 am

I still can’t believe when I’m typing the words 2010 that is it “really” 2010. Hard to believe that so much time has passed since we rang in the all dreaded 2000. Remember when so many people thought that the world would end, or that all the computers in the world would fail to work?

I’d planned on looking back in 2009 and sharing some of the things I was most grateful for. Instead, I’ve decided that I don’t need to spend any time looking back over my shoulder, but instead I am focused and looking at what is right in front of my nose. It’s what I have, and it’s my NOW.

My Gratitude List for January 1, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Spending the afternoon with Desere- just hanging out, laughing and watching movies.
  • Diddy’s cornbread recipe, which made my New Year’s Dinner complete.
  • A day that had no commitments or appointments.
  • Coming into a warm home after going for a walk in the cold with J.J.  
  • Lotion which is soothing my skin, which has become dry from the weather and the antibacterial gel that I’ve been using.


Filed under: Holidays,Life,Sands of Time,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:45 am

I’ve decided that I’m not going to make resolutions this year, but what I am doing is setting some goals for myself and plan to follow through with them.

One I mentioned in the previous entries is that I am going to begin the journey to lose this last 40 pounds. I would like to reach that goal by November 1st. That gives me 11 months from today. It’s realistic and attainable. Join me in this journey to continued health and fitness if you’d like. I could use the company.

I want to spend more time focused on enjoying myself. I had fun last year, but I seemed frazzled alot of the time. This year, if I have the urge to play playstation 3, I’m going to stop and play, rather than think about playing later and time getting away from me. Time to stop and smell the roses along the way.

This is also going to be a year filled with gratitude. I’m blessed, and grateful for so much, and I do believe it’s important to recognize those things in our lives and be grateful for them. I challenge you to do the same- even if you don’t share yours in a public area, it’s always good to live a life of gratitude.

Welcome 2010

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:41 am

The first day of 2010 has arrived and I’ve spend it doing exactly what I wanted to do. I didn’t sleep quite as late as I would have liked, but I did do a little cleaning around the house, plus did some laundry, enjoyed the gorgeous sunshine, and spend part of the afternoon and evening with Desere.

It has been a lovely day. This year I plan to spend more time focusing on positive, and eliminating the negative as much as humanly possible. The one major thing that I took away from 2009 is that negativity and toxic people can be toxic in our own lives if we allow it to be, and unfortunately I allowed that to happen in my life in a few circumstances last year.

2010 is the time for me to detoxify all that is negative out of my life. Does that mean negative things won’t happen in my life? Of course it doesn’t, but what it does mean is that I can be more aware of how I react to them, which can make all the difference.

My quest to lose the last 40 pounds is also beginning- If you’d like to join me on this journey- we can use this as a way to support and encourage each other. Who couldn’t use some of that?

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