Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 6, 2010

Gratitude- January 6

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 8:38 am

It’s hard to believe that we are almost a week into the new year. Aside from a few frustrations and speed bumps, the year couldn’t be better and I know with each passing day things are only going to continue to be great.

In a little while, I’m going to retire to the kitchen for a little while and start dinner, but before I do.

My Gratitude List for January 6, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The softly falling snow and the beautiful blanket of white.
  • The silence and overall peaceful feeling that comes along with the snow.
  • New recipes, which I’m excited about trying.
  • Thick warm socks that keep my feet warm on days like these.
  • JJ and Mister M. who never fail to make me giggle.

I Can See Clearly Now

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:32 am

Do you remember that song from the, what was it 70’s? Even though I am a child of the 60’s, I happen to love that song, but that isn’t what this entry is about. It does relate to seeing clearly and about something that I’d like to share with y’all. For those of you who know me, you know that I always love sharing products that I find that I think others can benefit from, and this is yet another one of those occasions.

This morning I was reading online when I came across an article about eyeglasses. Now, I don’t personally wear glasses, but both of my parents do so I figure it’s just a matter of time before I join them. I can’t tell you how many times mom has mentioned paying astronomical amounts for prescription glasses for both she and dad both, so after I read about the great prices that can be found online at Zenni, I decided to give mom a call. I told her that she should check her email that I was forwarding her an article that I read on how easy it is to get great prices on glasses by using Zenni optical.

I’m all for saving money and in this day and age with the uncertainties associated with the economy, the fact that someone offers prescription glasses for as little as $8.00 a pair is exciting. According to the article I read, they are able to do so because they have no middleman. They also don’t have a store that has excessive overhead that they have to cover, which ultimately is passed on to you. In addition, they don’t offer designer or brand name glasses, but instead, they offer inexpensive QUALITY glasses in many styles.

Mom had never heard of them, but now that she has, she said she’s definitely going to check them out. After all, the way I see it is why pay more if you don’t have to?

So Much for Sunshine, and Coffee

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:22 am

Ok, I did have a cup or three or Illy here at home so that does count for something, especially since the cafe I mentioned in the previous entry doesn’t serve the Italian goodness known as Illy, but as quickly as the sunshine arrived, it disappeared again. Once the clouds rolled in, the dark clouds that were looming on the horizon also rolled in and before I could blink or say Rumplestilskin the snow was falling. I don’t mean a little snow- I mean so much snow that it was difficult to see anything but white. Within 15 minutes quite a bit of snow had fallen and left everything covered in a blanket of white.

The weather said that the snow wasn’t going to begin until tonight, so I’m looking forward to seeing what happens. Saturday’s weather says there’s going to be a storm. A blizzard maybe? I guess we’lll see.

Sunshine and Coffee

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,In the Neighborhood,Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 2:14 am

I woke up this morning to sunshine and if I have anything to say about it, I plan to get out and enjoy some of it as soon as I get my work done. In fact, since Marcel is off today, maybe I can talk him into walking with me into town (provided the ice is off the sidewalks and it isn’t slippery anymore) and having a coffee at my favorite cafe.. I’d love to have a chococcino (chocolate cappuccino) but I’m trying to detox from the sugar. AND with that being said, I must confess that I did have some fudge last night in a moment of weakness. I’m not beating myself up, but determined to be more conscious and I WILL make it the 21 days without sugar.

But since I’m not supposed to be having sugar, that means that I’d need to have plain coffee, since the chococcino has chocolate in it. I love the cafe though. I think I’ve shared pictures before, and I noticed the other day when I went in to their little girls room that they had new hand dryers that I thought were very cool. You stick your hand slowly inside this little thing, and this really high speed air blows out and dries your hands instantly. I’ll admit, that I played with it even once my hands were dry because I thought it was fun. I know.. it really is the little things that amuse me.

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