Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 21, 2010

Hormonal H-E-double Hockey Sticks

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:00 am

I know some of you may find this to be a little T.M.I. (too much information) but I’m really over having these horrible cramps every month. I know- I know- but this is my little space and I can write about what I want to, and right now- that’s what I want to write about.

Over the past year or so, those little monthly visitors have become increasingly worse, and I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m very certain that I’m in the stages of perimenapause. I had all the symptoms with the exception of irregular periods, and well- last month I had two, so I guess I have all the symptoms now.

I think I’m going to talk to my doc and see if he would be willing to run some blood work to see if I’m short on the hormones, just to be sure, and then see if he would be willing to give me some hormone replacement cream. I hear it works wonders, and trust me, considering the mood swings I have from time to time, I need them.

I read today that Dr. Oz (whom I adore), says that some hormones are like Valium for our bodies, and when it’s too short, we tend to stress out more than usual. Dr. Oz knows and I’d say that it pretty much nails how I feel from time to time by getting annoyed at the tiniest things.

Does anyone else go through this, or am I alone in this little journey? Come on- don’t make me do it alone. haha

Time Will Reveal All

Filed under: Life,Sands of Time,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:44 am

This morning I struck up a conversation with Marcel about something that I have planned in the future for someone that I love dearly. I can’t really go into many details here, because I know they read this blog from time to time, and even though chances are they won’t put one and one together and get two, the chance exists that they might, so I can’t say much. I will say this- I’m planning a party, and if all goes according to the thoughts rambling around in this grey matter of mine, it’s going to be a big one.

I talked to Marcel about it and gave him a brief idea of what I’m thinking about, and told him that I’d do my best to keep things under a certain budget, including buying inexpensive wedding invitations. He’s all up for the idea, as long as he doesn’t have to do any planning. All I can say to that is, men! I have lots of ideas, that I need to start hammering out now if I’m ever going to be able to pull it off. I’m pretty positive I can, but It is going to take some careful planning, and also some help from the other side. That’s all I’m going to say for now- but expect to hear more in the future, even if it’s the not so near future. Curious? Time will reveal all.

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