Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 13, 2010

Gratitude- January 13, 2010

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:20 pm

Today is yet another day that I’m grateful for so many things, and while I take the time to pause and reflect on a few of them, I challenge you to do the same.

My Gratitude List for January 13, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The beautiful pale pink and cream roses that Marcel surprised me with today.
  • The miracle and wonder of babies.  I got to hold baby Luca today!
  • Spending time with friends.
  • Little plans and surprises coming together. Yeah!!
  • An evening home alone with JJ and Mister M.

Help is Available

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 12:17 pm

Lately I’ve been watching a lot of shows that I’ve DVR’d over the past months when I was too busy to watch them on the regular nights, and I’ve noticed that there are quite a few programs talking about drug rehab. I haven’t seen the show Intervention, but I hear that it’s a great show, which helps intervene with those who are having problems and gets them help. I think these types of shows are great. Not only because it helps those who are struggling, but also because it raises awareness for those with drug problems and hopefully encourages another who could be struggling. Even though it’s not something I’ve ever struggled with personally, I know many who have, and it’s comforting knowing there is help out there.

So Excited

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:05 pm

I have been sitting here for the past half hour chomping at the bits (whatever that means) waiting for an email to come in regarding a little surprise that I was hoping I could come up with for two very special people. It’s one of those things that I really want to talk about, but I’m not sure if they read this journal, and since I want it to be a surprise for them, it may be better if I keep my mouth shut for once.

It isn’t the surprise that I was really hoping to give, but it’s the next best thing. The email finally arrived moments ago and I was able to confirm that what I was hoping to do was indeed possible. Now I’m waiting on yet another email from the same person, so that I can start brewing ideas, but I need to know what my latest possible deadline is. I think it’s the end of the month, which doesn’t give me much time, but I WILL get it done!

Moving Right Along

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 11:56 am

Since it seems to be the topic of conversation today, I decided to share a little more about my journey. I realized today that I am close to being half way through my little 21 day sugar detox and I’ve done it without any thermotox or any other type of medication to help curb my appetite and cravings. Granted, it hasn’t been easy. Last night I felt like sugar was calling my name from the kitchen, but I managed to get past the overwhelming craving without giving in. I know I’m on the right path, and this weekend I’ll begin with the elliptical again.

Those of us who are on this journey do struggle from time to time. After all, we are human, but we have to keep moving forward, to reach our ultimate goals. I’m no superwoman- I’m just committed to myself, because I know I’m worth it. Do I falter? Of course I do, but I pick myself up, brush myself off, and move forward.

Foot Sandwich- High in Fiber, Low in Calories

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:53 am

I mentioned this little happening in one of my other journals, but I wanted to share it here as well, because it just is one of those things that I think everyone should think twice about. I know we’ve all been guilty of it at some point in our lives- making assumptions, but often times when we make assumptions we put ourselves out there to stick our foot in our mouth, pretty much the way someone did a few days ago when they asked me what weight loss supplements that I had used to lose the weight that I have lost. After they picked their jaw up off the floor when I told them I hadn’t used any, I followed it with telling them it was good ole’ fashioned exercise, and healthy eating. They were hoping for something ‘easier’ and I explained that there may be easier methods, but there was no magic pill to make it all go away for good.

So next time you begin to make an assumption, you may want to make sure you know what you’re talking about. Otherwise you may find yourself eating a foot sandwich for lunch.

Strange but True Happenings

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 11:48 am

I’m going to tell y’all a little something weird that has been happening to me. Ok, technically the situation itself isn’t that weird, but my discoveries are a little on the odd side if you ask me. Then again, some people would say that I’m odd, so I guess it would be appropriate.

About a month ago, I noticed that my lower legs (below my knees) started itching quite a bit. I thought at first that it was eczema, and I started using some cream that my doctor gave me last year for the same thing. I’ve had this two or three other times and it’s always in the same place. I generally start with using lotion to see if that helps, and if it doesn’t I move to this cream, which generally helps. This time, it didn’t help. I noticed though, that it only itched during the night, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why.

Now I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think it’s my PJ’s. I have flannel ones that I’ve been wearing, and some others that are really big and fluffy. I have several pairs of each because they are so soft and cozy, not to mention warm. I finally resorted to using Caladryl and last night I slept in my thermal pants. I didn’t itch. Now, could it be the Caladryl that helped, or is it my pjs? I really don’t want to be allergic to my pjs, but it does seem suspicious.

25 Degrees and All Is Well

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 11:43 am

Technically it is 25 degrees and all is well, but that’s only because I’m not outside battling these elements but tucked inside next to the heater enjoying the warmth and comfort of our home. Well, at least for 25 more minutes that’s the case. What happens then you may ask? Well, it will be time for me to take a little walk with J.J. even though I’m tempted to wait until he wakes from his nap which probalby won’t be until Marcel gets up from work. If I plan things correctly, I’ll go out with him and then Marcel will go out with him again before he goes to work, and hopefully I’ll only have to go out with him once more before bed time. That’s the plan anyway.. I hope it works. Oh and this is totally random and not related, but it popped into my mind. I also need to make sure that I take the rest of my multivitamins tonight. After the cold that I had and the cough that is still lingering, the last thing I want is to get sick again.

Healthy Recipes

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 4:25 am

In my quest to lose that final 40 pounds that is hanging around my hips, thighs and stomach (and everywhere else for that matter) I’ve decided that I’m going to start sharing some healthy recipes with y’all. After all, I know that I’m not the only one on this quest to get healthier and lose weight, and I figure it’s great if we can all support each other.

Expect to see recipes here soon. I wonder if I should do it randomly, or choose a specific day- Like Recipe Wednesday? What do you think?

Junk Food Junkie

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:23 am

Over the past year, Marcel has really started eating quite a bit of chocolate and other goodies in the evening. I think he’s gained about five pounds, but for those of you who know him, know that those are five pounds he could use. This morning he asked me if I thought he could use fat burners for men to help him get rid of his ‘belly’. Want to know my response? I rolled my eyes. I know a few people who could probably benefit from them, but he’s definitely not one of them.

Make-Up Or Not?

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:20 am

This morning I was looking in the mirror trying to decide if I was or wasn’t going to wear make-up when I go out in a little while to visit a friend. My allergies have been giving me fits, and I still have that little cough and it seems like the weirdest things set it off, such as the Tony’s Cajun seasoning I put on my popcorn yesterday. (cooked in olive oil -yum)

I noticed that even at the age of 42, I’m still having little break outs and wonder if adult acne treatment could be something for me. Granted, I don’t really consider it acne, but I do think I have more breakouts than your average person. I eat well, so I just don’t get it.

Oh, and I decided no make-up.

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